San Carlos

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction technique that helps you achieve a slim and contoured figure. CoolSculpting involves using controlled cooling to eliminate excess fat cells from targeted areas of the body. If you’re struggling with pockets of excess fat that aren’t responding to dietary changes and regular exercise, you’re a candidate for CoolSculpting in San Carlos. We can use controlled cooling to eliminate excess fat cells from targeted regions, such as the abdomen, thighs, and back.

What does CoolSculpting treat?

CoolSculpting removes excess subcutaneous fat cells from extremely targeted and specific regions of your body, such as the lower back, abdomen, or flanks.

What are the CoolSculpting treatment areas?

  • Submental region under the chin (double chin)
  • Upper arms
  • Male chest
  • Bra fat
  • Back fat
  • Lower back fat
  • Abdomen (tummy fat)
  • Flanks (muffin top or love handles)
  • Fat rolls underneath the buttocks (banana rolls)
  • Outer or inner thighs
woman after coolsculpting in San Carlos

How does CoolSculpting work?

CoolSculpting works on the principle of cryolipolysis. Fat cells die when they are subjected to extremely cold temperatures without harming the surrounding tissues. CoolSculpting uses this principle to subject fat cells to controlled cooling, essentially killing the excess subcutaneous fat cells in the targeted regions. Over time, your body metabolizes and expels the unwanted fat cells as waste via the lymphatic system, making the targeted area look slimmer.

What’s the difference between fat reduction and weight loss?

CoolSculpting in San Carlos is an extremely effective, non-invasive fat reduction or body contouring procedure — not a weight loss procedure. To understand the difference between fat reduction and weight loss, you must understand a few basic principles about fat cells.

Average adult humans have roughly the same number of fat cells in their bodies throughout their adult lives. When you lose or gain weight, the existing fat cells expand or shrink — the overall number of fat cells remains the same. If you’re struggling to lose excess fat cells from a targeted region, you may have an excess number of subcutaneous fat cells in that region. CoolSculpting removes a few of the excess fat cells from the targeted region, thus enhancing the contours of your body.

The amount of fat cells we can expel with CoolSculpting is limited. Furthermore, CoolSculpting can only target subcutaneous fat cells located just underneath the skin — not deeper fat cells. That’s why CoolSculpting is only suitable for individuals close to their ideal weight.

What happens during CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an extremely simple, in-office procedure. During your CoolSculpting in San Carlos session, the medical provider will apply a gel pad to the targeted area and attach the applicators. When activated, the CoolSculpting applicators will subject your fat cells to cold temperatures while generating a suction force. You might feel a pinching and tugging sensation, but there’s no pain. After 30 minutes, the medical provider will massage the area to break down the fat cells. Each treatment area takes 30 minutes.

What are the side effects of CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting doesn’t lead to harsh side effects. Your treatment areas may feel sore for a few hours, and some patients also experience muscle spasms, itchiness, firmness, aches, and bruising. But the side effects are mild and temporary.

Is there any downtime after CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting doesn’t involve any downtime. You may resume your daily activities and work immediately after CoolSculpting — no activity restrictions.

When will I see the results of CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting in San Carlos doesn’t produce immediate results because it takes time for your body to flush away the excess fat cells. You should start seeing results after 3 weeks, with continued improvements for around 3 months.

What are the benefits of CoolSculpting?

  • Non-invasive fat reduction technique
  • No pain or discomfort during the treatment
  • Improves the overall contours of your body
  • No harsh side effects or complications
  • No post-treatment downtime
  • Ensures completely safe and natural results

How many CoolSculpting sessions do I need?

You will start seeing improvements after one session, but some patients opt for 2 to 3 sessions spaced a few weeks apart for optimal results. The medical provider will determine if you need additional treatments.

Are the CoolSculpting results permanent?

CoolSculpting produces permanent results. Once the unwanted fat cells are expelled, they can’t return. But your existing fat cells can still expand if you gain weight, so you must maintain a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results of your treatment.

Why choose Premier Aesthetic Dermatology?

Premier Aesthetic Dermatology is a boutique medical spa and dermatology practice specializing in non-surgical and non-invasive cosmetic treatments. We believe in helping you elevate your facial and body contours to improve your overall quality of life. Our medical providers carefully examine your body, discuss your goals and concerns, review your medical history, and curate personalized body contouring treatment plans. Please schedule an appointment to explore your options for CoolSculpting in San Carlos.