Laser Hair Removal
San Carlos

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Laser hair removal is a non-invasive means of achieving permanently smooth, hair-free skin. With a few zaps from a laser device, we can eliminate unwanted hair follicles. Once the hair follicles are destroyed, they can no longer produce new hairs. We use the cutting-edge GentleMax Pro laser device because it allows us to customize the laser wavelengths according to your skin color, making the treatment suitable for all skin types.

How does laser hair removal work?

Laser hair removal involves delivering highly calibrated wavelengths of light energy into the unwanted hair follicles in the targeted treatment areas. The pigment in the hair follicles absorbs the light energy and destroys the targeted follicles. Each laser hair removal in San Carlos session destroys all the hair follicles in the active growth phase, thus preventing them from growing new hairs. Each session of laser hair removal removes 10% to 25% of the unwanted hair.

What are the most popular treatment areas?

  • Upper lips
  • Chin
  • Sideburns
  • Underarms
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Bikini area
  • Tummy
  • Brazilian area
  • Buttocks
  • Legs
woman during laser hair removal in San Carlos

What happens during laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a simple and painless treatment. The medical provider will examine your skin, identify the treatment areas, and discuss your goals and concerns. After a thorough evaluation, the medical provider will customize the GentleMax Pro laser device according to your skin color, skin type, and hair color. Different wavelengths of light are suitable for different skin types and hair colors, so the treatment must be personalized.

You must arrive for your laser hair removal in San Carlos session with clear skin. You should ideally shave the treatment areas the previous day, and you shouldn’t apply cosmetic products or makeup. Your skin should be completely clear for optimal results. The medical provider will adjust the GentleMax Pro laser device and move it around your treatment areas to deliver laser energy. You might feel a warm sensation, sort of like a rubber band snapping on your skin.

What are the benefits of laser hair removal?

  • Non-invasive hair removal technique
  • No razor burns or cuts
  • Painless treatment
  • Permanently removes unwanted hair follicles
  • Works on all body parts
  • No harsh side effects or complications
  • No post-treatment downtime

How long does laser hair removal take?

The entire laser hair removal session should conclude within 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the number of treatment areas. Larger treatment areas need more time.

How many laser hair removal sessions will I need?

Each laser hair removal in San Carlos session removes 10% to 25% of the unwanted hair. That’s because each session only removes the hairs in the active growth phase, i.e., the hair follicles are still connected to the root. Since hair grows in cycles, you need multiple sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart to remove all the unwanted hair. Most patients need 6 to 9 sessions for optimal results, followed by occasional touch-ups once a year.

What are the side effects of laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal involves minimal side effects, such as redness, discomfort, irritation, tenderness, numbing, and bruising around the treatment areas. The side effects dissipate within a few days.

Is there any downtime after laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal doesn’t involve any downtime. You may resume your daily activities and work immediately, but strenuous workouts and direct sunlight should be avoided for a few days.

When will I see the results of laser hair removal?

Your hair will grow thinner and sparser after each laser hair removal in San Carlos session. Since each session removes 10% to 25% of the unwanted hair, the treatment area will look smoother with each session, but you’ll need 6 to 9 sessions spaced 6 weeks apart for completely smooth skin.

How long do the laser hair removal results last?

Laser hair removal produces almost permanent results. Once the hair follicles are zapped, they can no longer grow new hairs. But even so, you may occasionally find new hair growth in the targeted area, for which you can opt for touch-ups once or twice a year.

Why choose Premier Aesthetic Dermatology?

Premier Aesthetic Dermatology is a luxurious medical spa and dermatology practice specializing in cutting-edge, non-invasive cosmetic treatments. Our medical providers discuss your goals and concerns, review your medical history, and recommend the ideal treatments. We use the advanced GentleMax Pro for laser hair removal to ensure optimal results for all skin types. Please schedule an appointment to explore your laser hair removal options.