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Your Skin

Men and women across the globe suffer from thousands of skin conditions. Your skin is your body’s primary protective barrier, constantly exposed to harmful UV radiations, environmental pollutants, bacteria, infections, acne breakouts, injuries, and more. While your skin protects you and your body, you need to protect and revitalize your skin. Our Dermatologist in San Carlos offer consultations where they evaluate the root cause of your skin concerns, analyze your skin type, and curate personalized treatment plans for various conditions.


Acne is one of the most common skin conditions affecting people of all ages in the United States and beyond. While acne commonly affects the face, it can also appear on the neck, shoulders, back, buttocks, and other regions. Acne breakouts usually occur when your pores are clogged with excess sebum, dead skin cells, and debris. When your pores are blocked, the excess sebum can’t be flushed out, leading to inflammation. Furthermore, the p.acnes bacteria on your skin may enter the clogged pores, leading to pimples and zits.

Since acne can occur because of numerous underlying reasons, your treatment must also be personalized. Our medical providers thoroughly evaluate your skin type, discuss your symptoms, and examine the acne to determine the root cause of your problems. After a thorough assessment, we curate a personalized treatment plan, which may include prescription medications, blue light therapy, intralesional kenalog injections, and facials. We aim to exfoliate the dead skin cells, open up your pores, and kill the acne-causing bacteria, helping you achieve and maintain acne-free skin.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection that usually affects the regions between the toes. This medical condition know to Dermatologist in San Carlos as an athlete’s foot because it’s common amongst individuals whose feet have become extremely sweaty from wearing tight-fitting shoes. An athlete’s foot can lead to rashes, itching sensations, inflammation, burning and stinging sensations, and blisters. Athlete’s foot can be spread through direct contact with other individuals and from shared spaces. Your athlete’s foot treatment may include oral medications and topical creams.

woman after visit with Dermatologist in San Carlos


Birthmarks are congenital skin conditions caused by the overgrowth of different types of tissues within the skin. Birthmarks aren’t dangerous, and some patients even prefer to keep their birthmarks. The location, size, type, and appearance of the birthmark will determine whether treatment is necessary. Some of the most common types of birthmarks include hemangioma, slate gray nevus, congenital nevus, port-wine stain, and café au lait spot. Some birthmarks can be treated with lasers, but your medical provider will curate a personalized treatment plan after an evaluation.

Dry Skin

Most of us want to maintain soft, supple, and hydrated skin. When your skin is hydrated, it also looks voluminous and youthful. But when your skin is dry, it can look scaly, cracked, and old. Skin dryness can also lead to itchiness and enhance the prominence of your fine lines and wrinkles. You may suffer from dry skin because of age, medications, seasonal changes, excessive exposure to sunlight, or underlying medical conditions. Our Dermatologist in San Carlos diagnose the root cause of your dry skin and curate a personalized treatment plan.


Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a medical condition that leads to itchy, inflamed, and dry skin. Eczema can occur at any age, but it’s particularly common amongst young children. As a chronic condition, eczema can flare up because of various triggers, leading to cracked skin, itchiness, rashes, raised bumps, oozing, crusting, and darkening of the skin. Our medical providers carefully evaluate the root cause of eczema and curate a personalized treatment plan to control the symptoms and prevent new outbreaks. Your treatment may include medications and topical creams.

Diseases of the Nails

People often say that the clarity and quality of the nails determine the individual’s health and beauty. You may suffer from numerous nail-related conditions, such as yeast infections, fungal infections on the fingers and toenails (onychomycosis), and unwanted discoloration and thickening of the nails because of age, genetics, and underlying medical conditions. Our Dermatologist in San Carlos will evaluate your nail-related conditions, diagnose the root cause of your problems, and curate a personalized treatment plan, which may include medications, topical creams, and/or laser therapy.

Excessive Perspiration

Excessive perspiration, also known as hyperhidrosis, is a condition that leads to persistent sweating even when there’s no external stimulus. Sweating is your body’s response to excessive heat. When the temperature is high or you’re engaging in strenuous workouts, your nerve endings stimulate the sweat glands to produce sweat, which regulates your body’s temperature, helping you cool down. Hyperhidrosis is a condition wherein your sweat glands go on overdrive and produce sweat even when your body isn’t particularly hot.

Our medical providers will carefully examine your condition, discuss your symptoms and concerns, and curate a personalized treatment plan for excessive perspiration. The treatment plan may include non-invasive medications, antiperspirants, and/or Botox injections. Botox is one of the most effective treatments for hyperhidrosis. Botox is made of botulinum toxin, a specialized neurotoxin protein that can block communications between nerve endings and your sweat glands, thus preventing you from generating excessive sweat. The results usually last for 3 to 4 months.

woman before visit with Dermatologist in San Carlos


Impetigo is an extremely contagious skin infection that usually affects young children and infants. The primary signs of impetigo include reddish sores on the face, especially around the nose and mouth. The sores worsen over several days and eventually burst after one week, leading to yellowish crusts on the face. This condition usually occurs because of the staphylococci bacteria, which can be spread through linen, towels, and clothing. If you or your child has signs and symptoms of impetigo, please visit our Dermatologist in San Carlos, we can offer antibiotics and antimicrobial treatments.


Keloids are large, protruding scars that go outside the borders of the injury or trauma. The scar looks large, thickened, and protruding from the skin’s surface. You may develop keloids in any part of the skin with an active injury, such as the cheeks, chest, shoulders, and ears. Keloid scars can be brown, purple, or reddish and appear in numerous irregular shapes. They can also have different types of textures, ranging from soft and smooth to hard and rough. Your keloid treatment may include cortisone creams and injections.


Melasma is a skin condition that leads to dark, discolored patches on the skin. It’s often called the “mask of pregnancy” because it’s common amongst pregnant women because pregnancy leads to numerous hormonal changes. While 90% of individuals with melasma are women, this condition can also affect men. Melasma often appears on the face and is usually symmetrical on both sides, but it can also appear on other parts of the body exposed to the sun. our Dermatologist in San Carlos can treat melasma with chemical peels, topical creams, and lasers.


Moles are extremely common growths on the skin — they can be light tan, brown, blue, pink, or red in color. Your moles can be smooth, flat, rounded, raised, or wrinkled, and some moles can also have hair growth. Moles can be congenital, or they may develop later in life, usually before 40 years of age. You may develop moles in various parts of your body, including the armpits, scalp, nails, and fingers. While most moles are harmless, some can also become cancerous, so you must be aware of potential changes in their appearance.


Psoriasis is a skin condition that leads to scaly, thickened, red, and itchy lesions that affect various parts of your body. Psoriasis can occur because of numerous reasons, such as genes, stress, injuries, medications, and infections. This is a chronic condition with no known cure, but we can still control the symptoms and prevent future flare-ups and triggers. Our Dermatologist in San Carlos will evaluate your symptoms, diagnose the root cause of psoriasis, identify the triggers, and curate a personalized treatment plan, which may include topical creams, oral medications, injections, and lasers.

woman before visit with Dermatologist in San Carlos


Rosacea is an extremely common skin condition that makes your skin look red and flushed. This condition occurs because of highly visible blood vessels on the face, which can make your skin look red and flushed. You may also develop pus-filled bumps on the skin. The symptoms of rosacea flare up for weeks, recede temporarily, and flare up again — it’s a chronic inflammatory condition. We diagnose the root cause of rosacea and offer personalized treatments to alleviate the symptoms and reduce/prevent flare-ups.


Scars occur because of your body’s innate healing processes. When your skin is damaged, your body initiates the healing process to close gaps and rebuild your tissues, which may leave scars. Scars come in various forms, including acne scars, hypertrophic scars, depressed scars, Keloids, and stretch marks. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of scars on your skin, you can pursue cosmetic treatments. Our Dermatologist in San Carlos diagnose the type of scar and curate a personalized treatment plan, which may include dermal fillers, microneedling, laser treatments, and more.


Shingles is a painful, viral infection that leads to rashes, itching, tingling sensations, and fluid-filled blisters that crust over. Shingles usually appear as a group of dense blisters that wrap around one side of your face, arm, neck, etc. Before you develop shingles, you may notice prickling sensations on your body, following which you develop rash and flu-like symptoms. If you notice the symptoms of shingles, you should start your treatment as soon as possible for the best outcomes. You can also minimize the risk of shingles with vaccines.

Skin Cancer (Melanoma)

Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer with the potential to go much deeper into the body. Your benign moles can turn into cancerous melanoma, or you may develop skin cancer from healthy, mole-free skin. Melanoma is most common in the parts of the body that are regularly exposed to direct sunlight, such as the head, neck, arms, and legs. Risk factors for melanoma include a history of sunburns, fair skin, a family history of melanoma, a large number of moles on the body, and a decreased immune system.

You must contact a Dermatologist in San Carlos if your mole looks atypical. These are the signs and symptoms of an atypical mole:

  • Asymmetry: one half doesn’t resemble the other
  • Irregularity: the outline isn’t perfectly circular
  • Multicolored: the mole has numerous colors, such as black, red, brown, white, etc.
  • Size: the mole is larger than 1/4 inches
  • Evolution: the mole’s appearance changes over time

Skin Infections

Skin infections may occur because of numerous reasons, such as injuries, bacteria, germs, viruses, parasites, and fungi. Mild infections can usually be treated with over-the-counter medications, but severe infections must be treated with prescription medications, topical creams, and other personalized treatments. Our medical providers will carefully examine the signs of infection, discuss your symptoms, and administer tests to diagnose the root cause of your skin infection. After a thorough evaluation, the medical provider will curate a personalized treatment plan for your skin infection.

Skin Tags

Skin tags are noncancerous growths usually found within the folds of your skin, such as the groins, eyelids, armpits, breasts, etc. Skin tags are essentially excess collagen fibers lodged within skin tissues, which makes them protrude outwards. Almost half of the world’s population has skin tags, but they’re especially common amongst individuals who are overweight. Skin tags are harmless, but they can cause mild discomfort when they snag on clothing. Removing a skin tag is fairly simple — the Dermatologist in San Carlos uses a razor-like tool to shave it off.

Spider Veins

Spider veins are dense clusters of damaged blood vessels. They look like extremely thin, thread-like veins that appear just underneath the skin’s surface. Spider veins may appear on the face when your superficial blood vessels are capillaries burst. But you may also develop spider veins in your legs when your vein valves collapse, leading to backward blood circulation and the accumulation of blood in leg veins. Our medical providers treat spider veins using sclerotherapy injections or laser vein treatment — your treatment plan depends on the location, size, and depth of your spider veins.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are dense blood vessels that protrude from the skin’s surface, usually looking like swollen, twisted, and tangled veins. They usually appear on the legs when your vein valves collapse and blood accumulates in the leg veins. The vein valves are responsible for ensuring smooth, one-way blood circulation to the heart, often against the force of gravity. When your vein valves malfunction, blood accumulates in the leg veins, which leads to vascular dilation and protruding varicose veins. Our Dermatologist in San Carlos will curate a personalized varicose vein treatment plan after a thorough evaluation.


Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder that makes your body’s immune cells attack the melanocytes, i.e., the melanin-forming cells on your skin. When your body attacks the melanin-producing cells, your skin develops patches of light, pigment-less skin. Vitiligo usually affects patches of the skin, but it can also affect the hair, leading to extremely light-colored hair. You may also suffer from vitiligo because of underlying medical conditions, such as myasthenia gravis, alopecia areata, thyroid disease, etc. Our medical providers use laser treatments to restore the pigment in your skin.

Why choose Premier Aesthetic Dermatology?

Premier Aesthetic Dermatology is one of the leading dermatology practices specializing in non-invasive cosmetic treatments in the SF Bay Area, Silicon Valley. Our medical spa is led by Dr. Marie Jhin, a board-certified dermatologist who spent 10 years as a Stanford instructor. She carefully diagnoses the root cause of your skin concerns and curates personalized treatment plans to help you achieve smooth, youthful, and healthy skin. For more information, please schedule an appointment with our Dermatologist in San Carlos.